备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
简介: 由于童年的悲惨遭遇,直枝理树的个性变得十分孤僻。长着一张娃娃脸,沉默寡言,没有朋友,这样的理树成为了大家眼里的怪胎。某一日,性格傲娇爱猫如命的枣铃,正直开朗稳重可靠的枣恭介,四肢发达头脑简单的井之原真人,成熟勇敢剑术一流的宫泽谦吾四人出现在了绝望的理树面前。他们自称“LittleBusters”,想要利用理树的力量来完成拯救世界的重任。就这样,理树成为了LB中的一份子,整日奔波解决一些说来宏大但其实十分平凡的委托。在相处的过程中,本来行为举止十分怪异的同伴们渐渐的变得可爱起来,理树也逐渐敞开了紧闭的心门,找回了久违的快乐。他开始明白,只要有一颗开朗向上的心,这样的生活一定能够继续下去直到永远。
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
简介:The documentary follows the main stages of Janis Joplin’s life, from her performance at Monterey Pop in 1967 to Woodstock in 1969 and Festival Express in 1970, including interviews with relatives, friends and rock stars of her time. The soundtrack features Janis Joplin’s hits, among which Cry Baby, Mercedes Benz and Piece of My Heart. Amy Berg shows the woman behind the myth, other than the rock&roll icon, unveils a gentle, innocent yet strong woman. Well known as rock icon, the personal story of Janis Joplin is very complex. Janis serves as a narrator, telling us her life through the letters she wrote to her friends, relatives and lovers, leading us in a journey that starts from her childhood.