备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:尼科·桑托斯,Kirstin Maldonado,Scott Hoying,Pentatonix
简介:Superstar a capella group Pentatonix is struggling to find inspiration for their annual holiday album, and the clock is ticking. To make matters worse, their well-intentioned but misguided manager mistakenly locks them in a magic mailroom. But with the help of some Disney magic, we're soon on a whirlwind tour around the world, discovering holiday traditions and inspiration from Pentatonix fans all around the globe: from Tokyo to Grenada, Ghana to Mexico and Iceland. The fun-filled journey leads the group to realize that wherever we find ourselves, the holidays offer the perfect opportunity to discover how much we have in common and that it really is a small world after all.
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
简介:南希(加布里埃尔·尤尼恩 Gabrielle Union 饰)的前夫是有名的嘻哈歌手杰基(查理·墨菲 Charles Q. Murphy 饰),尽管这段破裂的婚姻带给了南希大笔的补偿金和三个可爱的孩子,但是南希却并不感到快乐,形单影只的生活令她感到窒息,圣诞节将近,她多么希望能有人能够陪伴在自己身边,同她和孩子们一起度过这个阖家团圆的节日。 南希的小女儿艾米丽(Khail Bryant 饰)无意之中得知了母亲的愿望,她找到了由本杰明(摩里斯·切斯塔特 Morris Chestnut 饰)乔装打扮的圣诞老人,将母亲的愿望告诉了他,深受感动的本杰明决定实现南希的愿望,以此为契机,两人之间产生了真挚的感情。可是,本杰明的出现却遭致了大儿子约翰(Malik Hammond 饰)的强烈抵抗,与此同时,杰基突然出现,他想要同南希争夺三个孩子的抚养权。